Apache Software Foundation
The ASF provides support for Apache communities, which provide software products for the public good.
# Projects: 200 Including: Cassandra, OpenOffice, Lucene, Superset, Airflow
The ASF provides support for Apache communities, which provide software products for the public good.
# Projects: 200 Including: Cassandra, OpenOffice, Lucene, Superset, Airflow
Apereo helps educational organizations collaborate to foster, develop, and sustain open technologies and innovation to support learning, teaching, and resear...
# Projects: 19 Including: Sakai, OAE, CAS, uPortal
Conservancy helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.
# Projects: 44 Including: BusyBox, Git, Outreachy
The Eclipse Foundation is an amazing open source community of runtimes, tools and frameworks, IoT, automotive, geospatial, systems engineering, and many othe...
# Projects: 358 Including: The Eclipse Project, Eclipse Modeling Framework, Jetty
The organization of choice for building sustainable open source ecosystems.
# Projects: 74+ Including: Automotive Grade Linux, Cloud Foundry, Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Core Infrastructure Initiative, Hyperledger, Let's Encrypt, Node.js Foundation, ONAP, SPDX, Xen Project, Yocto Project
The open source community for infrastructure software.
# Projects: 61 Including: ASM, BonitaSoft, FusionDirectory, GLPI, Knowage, LemonLDAP Proactive, RocketChat, Sat4J, XWiki
OWASP is a charitable organization focused on improving the security of software.
# Projects: 13 Including: OWASP Top 10, CSRFGuard, Zed Attack Proxy
SPI helps open source projects develop and distribute open hardware and software.
# Projects: 45 Including: Debian, Jenkins, PostgreSQL