Overview Brand

Full Metadata Listing: FOSSFoundation.info/foundations/apereo

Website: https://www.apereo.org/

Legal Name: Apereo Foundation

Location: New Jersey, US

Nonprofit Status: 501C3

Software Hosted: various

Licenses Used: Apache-2.0, ECL-2.0

IP/Copyright Policy: CLA

Primary Brand: Apereo

Other Brand(s): various projects - 10+

Brand Registered?: yes

Logo Registered?: yes

Trademark Policy:

Governance Finance

Board Size: 15

Board Type: elected, appointed

Board Listing: https://www.apereo.org/content/leadership

Description of Membership: purchased

Bylaws Link: https://www.apereo.org/content/bylaws

Number of Paid Employees: 2

Funding Sources: members, commercial affiliates

Approximate Budget: 930K

Budget Listing: https://www.apereo.org/sites/default/files/Annual%20Reports/Apereo%20Annual%20Report%202016-2017.pdf

Sponsor Listing: https://www.apereo.org/content/commercial-affiliates

Project Hosting

Accepting New Projects?: yes

Projects Hosted: 19

Project Governance: Varies.

Major Projects Hosted: Sakai, OAE, CAS, uPortal

Project Listing: https://www.apereo.org/content/projects-communities

Project Services : Some directed sponsorship is allowed.

About Apereo Foundation

Founded in 2012, Apereo is a membership organization sponsoring around 10 projects including the Sakai learning management system and the Central Authentication Service single sign-on solution. Apereo is incubating around 10 more projects. Apereo Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by organizational and individual memberships. For more information, visit http://www.apereo.org/ .

How Individuals Can Get Involved

Individuals typically first become involved at the level of individual projects. The Apereo Projects and Communites page lists all the different projects hosted.

How Projects Can Get Involved

Projects or communities wishing to join Apereo should submit a proposal to the Apereo Incubation.

How Companies Can Get Involved

Companies can become Commercial Affiliates.